之前装Viusal Stuido 2010 一直失败,其实在在安装.net framework 4.0时就失败……后来就单独安装.net framework 4.0,结果还是失败,出现HRESULT 0xc8000222错误代码,
This behavior may occur if the temporary folder of Windows Update has been corrupted. We can refer to the following steps to rename this folder. Please be assured the folder will be created again when we visit the Windows Update site again.
1. Click Start, Run, type: cmd and press Enter. Please run the following command in the opened window.
net stop WuAuServ
2. Click Start, Run, type: %windir% and press Enter.
3. In the opened folder, rename the folder SoftwareDistribution to SDold.
4. Click Start, Run, type: cmd and press Enter.
Please run the following command in the opened window.
net start WuAuServ
/** *@title :WIndows 7 安装.net framework 4.0 失败,错误HRESULT 0xc8000222解决办法 *@Author:insun *@blog:http://yxmhero1989.blog.163.com */ 为了装个Mysql Workbeach(mysql-workbench-gpl-5.2.39-win32) 设计数据库 需要net framework4 发现不好安装 win7装不了dotNetFx40_Client_setup??? 尚未安装 .NET Framework 4 Client Profile,原因是:HRESULT 0xc8000222 原来跟windows update有关 真心蛋疼啊!!! 解决办法: 1.在win7的C:\Windows\System32目录里面 右键cmd.exe以管理员方式运行 2.上面的cmd命令行里面输入 net stop WuAuServ 3.继续输入 echo %windir% 4.在弹出来的文件夹(一般是C:\Windows),把SoftwareDistribution 文件夹改个名字 SDold(随意改). 5.继续输入 net start WuAuServ OK。
原来这个还和Windows Update有关系,给目录名重命名一下再次安装,即安装成功了!